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[USA/ESP] 12 Monos

  1. #1
    experto Avatar de Ribus
    05 jul, 08
    60 veces

    Predeterminado [USA/ESP] 12 Monos

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    Paseando por ahí a veces te llevas alegrones, que te hacen saltar del asiento...

    Hoy me ha pasado con esto: glance

    Sobre todo teniendo en cuenta la INFAUSTA edición en DVD que se lanzó por estos lares, sin subs en español!!!...

    A falta de confirmar region free, yo ya me la he pedido.
    Que además, según se puede ver en la trasera de Axel, trae CASTILIAN SPANISH...

    GRANDÍSIMO NOTICIÓN, y esperemos que sea una edición a la altura de esta OBRA MAESTRA.



  2. #2
    Investigador Avatar de xton
    05 may, 05
    61 veces

    Predeterminado Respuesta: [USA] 12 Monos

    Otro más que ya se la había pedido (junto con Hijos de los hombres -que ha bajado de precio,por cierto-) sale un pack "muy goloso" je,je

  3. #3
    experto Avatar de Ribus
    05 jul, 08
    60 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [USA] 12 Monos

    Ya me extrañaba a mi que mi amigo Xton no se hubiera enterado...


  4. #4
    diplomado Avatar de Pulp
    28 feb, 05
    34 veces

    Predeterminado Respuesta: [USA] 12 Monos

    Muy buena película, aunque yo ya la tengo en el formato rojillo Sin desprecintar, y espero verla cuando tenga el proyector... me estoy reservando muchos titulos para verlos en condiciones...

    Pero esta es una de las grandes

    Saludos, Pulp

  5. #5
    "Er Chacho" Grand Master Avatar de zarai2000
    16 sep, 06
    44 veces

    Predeterminado Respuesta: [USA] 12 Monos

    Cita Iniciado por Pulp Ver mensaje
    Muy buena película, aunque yo ya la tengo en el formato rojillo Sin desprecintar, y espero verla cuando tenga el proyector... me estoy reservando muchos titulos para verlos en condiciones...

    Pero esta es una de las grandes

    Saludos, Pulp
    Pulp, tengo la sensación que si te hacemos una inspección en tu casa nos encontramos la mitad de tu colección sin desprecintar!!!!!!

    serás perezoso, seguro que tienes un pantallon de 60 pulgadas y nos tienes a tdos engañaos!!!!!

    otro mas que caerá en mis vitrinas


  6. #6
    diplomado Avatar de Pulp
    28 feb, 05
    34 veces

    Predeterminado Respuesta: [USA] 12 Monos

    No, tengo una de 42", pero ahora voy a empezar la obra de la sala, para adecuarla al proyector que quiero meter a finales de año...

    Lo que pasa es que hay pelis que compras porque son buenas como esta, pero te acuerdas, y las dejas para verlas más adelante... y ahora me pasa otra cosa peor, que por ejemplo me compre el BD de Benjamin Button, y no la quiero ver en la tv... porque mi mente ya está pensando que en breve podré disfrutarla en pantalla grande y según que peliculas, me niego a verlas ahora en el tv

    Y de tener precintadas, puessss, no menos de 25 pelis, pero como no caducan ya las iré viendo.

    Saludos, Pulp

  7. #7
    experto Avatar de Ribus
    05 jul, 08
    60 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [USA] 12 Monos

    Ja, ja, ja...

    A mi tampoco me gusta desprecintarlas hasta el momento mismo del visionado. Es todo un rito...
    Y sí os digo que cuando se me junta más de un paquete, prefiero racionar "el disfrute", y no abrir los dos el mismo día, seguro que ya pensareis que no tengo remedio...

    Y lo de verlas en el proye, es cierto. Hay historias que lo piden más que otras.
    No pienso ver Watchmen, hasta que no me llegue el nuevo...

    Y lo de buscar el momento "animicamente perfecto"...
    Sobre todo con las pelis que más ganas tienes.
    Todavía no he visto El Caballero Oscuro....... Y tengo dos Ed; la UK, y la metálica alemana...


    PD: ¡ENHORABUENA por lo de proye, Pulp!!! Ya era hora.!


  8. #8
    experto Avatar de Ribus
    05 jul, 08
    60 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [USA] 12 Monos

    Por cierto que sale mañana Martes; Axel ya la tiene en Stock, pero ni ahí, ni en la página de la info regional, se ha confirmado aún que sea libre de zona...

    A ver sí mañana hay suerte!...


  9. #9
    Investigador Avatar de xton
    05 may, 05
    61 veces

    Predeterminado Respuesta: Re: [USA] 12 Monos

    Cita Iniciado por Ribus Ver mensaje
    Por cierto que sale mañana Martes; Axel ya la tiene en Stock, pero ni ahí, ni en la página de la info regional, se ha confirmado aún que sea libre de zona...

    A ver sí mañana hay suerte!...

    ¡¡ Ala !!, ya puedes estar tranquilo con el tema de la zona:

    Región Free en Blu ray

    Un saludo, y... ¡¡¡¿¿¿ QUE ES ESO DE QUE TODAVÍA NO HAS VISTO THE DARK KNIGHT????!!!! macho... tú estás enfermo

  10. #10
    experto Avatar de Ribus
    05 jul, 08
    60 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [USA] 12 Monos

    Ya te digo...

    Y, como siempre, Xton el madrugador, nos da un alegrón, bien prontito...

    Ahora sólo me falta la de Mutant, pa tener el pedido completo.

    Saludos, currito!!


  11. #11
    "Er Chacho" Grand Master Avatar de zarai2000
    16 sep, 06
    44 veces

    Predeterminado Respuesta: [USA] 12 Monos

    cuentanos que tal se ve esta edición por que las capturas no me convence del todo!!!!!!! y la review que hacen de la pelicula le dan 3 estrellitas en imagen!!!!! Así que no será un BD de referencia ni muho menos.

    has an average rating of 8.1 on IMDb
    1080p in VC-1 on a 50gb disc
    DTS-HD 5.1 Master Audio
    </B> are just the DVD / HD-DVD ports

    – 1995
    – 129 minutes

    This uses 35.9GB for the movie out of 39.5GB total.
    Street Date: July 28th, 2009

    Overall VerdictRecommended for Gilliam Fans

    Buy it for $20.99 @

    — Review by: Brendan Surpless & Justin Sluss


    The Movie Itself was Directed by Terry Gilliam. “12 Monkeys” tells the story of a man named James Cole (Bruce Willis) who is sent back in time from the year 2035 to the year 1996 in hopes of saving the human race from a deadly virus which has forced mankind into total seclusion from the above world. Down below the ground, they live in communities hoping one day to come out and start a new world. Once he arrives, Cole encounters a patient named Jeffrey Goines (Brad Pitt) and a psychiatrist named Kathryn Railly (Madeleine Stowe). Cole soon learns, after a few conversations with Jeffrey, that he may hold the whole key to solving this virus. As the film progresses, what we and Cole learn is that the scientists who simply sent Cole back to obtain a sample of this virus for further study, may have had more sinister motives at hand.
    The film is directed by Terry Gilliam, a man who certainly has quite the fan base not because his films gross a lot of money, but rather because his films require the mind to think about what they’ve just seen on the screen. Having only seen this film once before this viewing, my love for the film was brought back quickly. Even though I’ve only seen a handful of his films, I’ve always loved how Gilliam is able to sway away from the main plot to introduce side plots in a manner that is always keeping the viewer in loop with what the main purpose of the film at hand. His films are so creative, insane (in a good sense), fun, and simply a mind trip to watch. He creates these characters that are so unique and interesting that one can help getting sucked into the story at hand.

    Speaking of the characters he’s creates, I absolutely enjoyed the performance by Brad Pitt here (no real surprise that he was nominated for an Academy Award). Arriving in the same year as the masterpiece called “Se7en“, audiences could easily see the type of actor Pitt was shaping himself into. He handles this mental patient role with extreme simplicity that one may wonder, as I did, if Jeffrey doesn’t actually know more than he tells the character of James. Bruce Willis, in the days where audiences accepted his roles and characters, he spends nearly the whole running length of the film dazed, confused and bewildered not knowing who to believe, and more importantly, who to trust. This is what makes the film so interesting. In order to fully appreciate the film, one must carefully pay attention to each little point, sort of playing a game of connect the dots. Even in the end, as had to this time around, a repeated viewing might be necessary (luckily the including commentary helped provide some insight into the questions I had).
    With “12 Monkeys” being his most successful film to date, audiences need to open their eyes and ears to understand the man that Gilliam is. Sure he isn’t the type of director that is a guaranteed, sure-fire go to go for a first rate film, but the films he has done thus far in his career, are definitely entertaining and can actually assist in determining who we are (at least I felt this way). Overall, looking back on “12 Monkeys” some 14 years later, especially with the H1N1 flu in our current news, it’s a film that was originally intended really as Sci-Fi (science fiction) but is now slowly becoming a tad eerily close to someday being maybe science fact. I hope that to not be the case but one can’t help but notice those similarities now in retrospect of the film. Regardless, the film still proves to be extremely entertaining and especially thought-provoking as all of Terry Gilliam’s work most certainly always is.

    Video Quality on this release is in full 1080p using the VC-1 codec on a BD-50 (50 gigabyte dual-layered Blu-ray Disc) in the 1.85:1 aspect ratio. The first item I noticed here is that this transfer, as noted above, is not what I expected. Now this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, just the transfer felt like I was on a continuous roller-coaster ride with the constant ups and downs in the video. Grain was the first big issue here as the overall presences of grain and dirt certainly helped to show the age of the film (11 years now). I do wonder if the use of grain may have been a stylistic choice by Gilliam as his recent Brothers Grimm had a similar problem. Anyhow, when it comes to color usage, blacks are the most dominant color here. The black levels are solid and defining created a real dark, somber world that are characters have involved themselves in. Since black is the most dominant color as noted above, the sequences where the color does dominant, like the overall transfer, tends to go up and down. Some sequences, like a majority of the flashback sequences, seemed to be washed out almost creating a sense of blurriness in the image. Again, this may have been done as a stylistic choice, but still I was curious about this.
    Speaking of the ups, when the image delivers, it delivers an extremely nice image. However, the image is still not as good as we’ve come to expect. Sure the image does create a nice overall look (especially some of the three-dimensional effects), but I guess I could consider this transfer a slight disappointment. Universal has done what they could have done with the transfer at hand. However I still must put out a warning to all of you. If you do grab this film (which you should), don’t expect a super upgrade here as Universal hasn’t given this one the upgrade treatment yet. This earns an okay “3 Star Rating“.

    Audio Quality on this release is presented in DTS-HD 5.1 Master Audio. The simple best part of this track is the overall positive use of the film’s surrounds. Gilliam, as he has proved with the film itself, obviously has a very careful eye making sure everything looks its best. Composer Paul Buckmaster worked close with Gilliam here to create the perfect score here with interesting, little sounds all of which sound fantastic. Dialogue, on the other hand, does become a bit muddled and hard to understand in some sequences. This is a big deal because instead of lying down and enjoying the film’s audio experience, I had to constantly adjust the audio levels, certainly taking away from the audio. Bass, on the hand, was similar to the film’s surrounds becoming active when needed. All in all this earns a “4 Star Rating“.

    Última edición por zarai2000; 27/07/2009 a las 08:34

  12. #12
    Investigador Avatar de xton
    05 may, 05
    61 veces

    Predeterminado Respuesta: [USA] 12 Monos

    pero vamos a ver una cosa... ¡centrémonos!... las imágenes de esta película son así, tal y como las vimos en el cine... después, si resulta que le aplican el famoso DNR y quedan finas y con ausencia de grano, la gente pone el grito en el cielo, y es que al final no todo el mundo va a estar de acuerdo (y si no , mirar el post de El expreso de medianoche).
    Restauraciones como La conquista del Oeste son muy difíciles de hacer supongo que por el material de origen con que se parte.
    Yo por mi parte tengo muy claro lo que he comprado y espero ver, una película de referencia (y está claro que no un BD de demo,claro) y con la suposición de que si a Brad Pitt no le dieron un oscar por esta peli, no se lo darán en su vida

  13. #13
    Beyond High Definition Avatar de Fox Ender
    13 nov, 05
    104 veces

    Predeterminado Respuesta: [USA] 12 Monos

    19 de noviembre en España

    No es solo un sueño es Blu-ray

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