Bueno, al final he encontrado la movida que hay que hacer para resucitarlo. A ver si hay suerte;

O!play is working !!!!

I take the reanimate procedure form another forum by "cybrmage" and modify it:

Well.... I managed to get my O!play into a boot-loop by flashing an A.C.Ryan PlayOn HD firmware to it... so I was forced to try and recover it.... and was successful!!

Here is the procedure

1) prepare your firmware image. Yow will need to run an HTTP server on your computer. If you will be using FTP, make sure that you configure the server so that the firmware file is accessable to an anonymous user. Take not of the URL for the file. Install Apche and copy install.img to the index.html folder eg. Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\

2) Change your computer's IP address so that it is on the same network as the default address of the O!play ( IE: use as the computers IP address. Remember this address for later.

3) Break your O!play out of the boot loop. Connect via telnet login and send command: /usr/bin/stopall You have very short time. I send it succesfoul after 8-10 times. Of course copy not writting. Ping is very helpful.

Once you have a telnet prompt on your O!play, It will be able to accept connections, but will not be able to initiate outbound connections. To solve this, change the o!play's IP address.

/ # ifconfig eth0

This will change the IP address, reconfigure the routing table, and disconnect your telnet session.

4) start a new telnet session to the O!play using the IP address you used in the last step.

5) prepare the O!play to download and flash the firmware image. The loader_a command can NOT be used directly to restore the firmware to the device, as it tried to create a writable directory in the root of the filesystem. You need to create a file in the ramdisk and store the URL of the file in it.

/ # echo "" > /tmp/installing_source

6) Start the restore process.

/ # kill -6 1

This causes the initd to reinitialize the system executive (the main process, PID 1). The executive process will terminate all low priviledge processes (and will terminate your telnet session) and run the /etc/reexec/init.script file, which moves the root filesystem to the ramdisk, and starts the restore process.

Be aware that your telnet session wil terminate, and the O!play will start to download the flash image. The screen will remain blank, and after several minutes, the display will appear and the flashing process will begin. Do not unplug the device!! THE RESTORE WILL TAKE A LONG TIME!!! The flash process took almost 20 minutes when I performed it.
If You can ping to the firmware is load succesfull check Telnet connection if is ok You can drink beer and watch O!play films.
