Ya esta en marcha un nuevo firm para el Vten, estos chicos no paran, el soporte de Popcorn es inmejorable:

Beta 2 Firmware 01-04-160324-25-POP


Release Notes:
1. Further improvement on DSF/DFF NMJ scanning speed
2. Added Composer and Duration info in scanning for DSF/DFF.
3. Fixed some Youtube video playback issue
4. Fixed MKV PGS subtitle random dropping or missing issue
5. Fixed MKV MVC PGS subtitle display with wrong color palette issue (Avatar)
6. Fixed M4A and WMA randomly causing crash issue
7. Fixed DSF file larger than 2GB (stored in NTFS or EXT3 storage) unable to retrieve ID3 info issue
8. Add audio info display box in screen saver when changing song

Beta 1 Release Notes: ( http://www.networkedmediatank.com/showth...?tid=73266 )
1. Perfect YCbCr color
2. Fixed force 8 bits color not working in 3D mode issue
3. Added Deep Color option (Default: Off). Turn off this will force 8-bit color for video playback
4. Fixed SDHC SD Card mounting issue
5. Improved DSF/DFF (DSD) files NMJ scanning speed
6. Fixed UI drawing corrupted issue on certain condition
