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Una noticia para cinefilos

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  1. #1
    16 abr, 04
    8 veces

    Predeterminado Una noticia para cinefilos

    He aqui una noticia (en ingles) que puede interesar a los cinefilos. Especialmente a los que gustan de ver los extras de los DVDs.


    Filmmaker Kevin Smith to Receive Inaugural DVD Visionary Award from Video Software Dealers Association

    ENCINO, Calif.--June 23, 2004--
    Producer/Director/Writer to Be First Recipient of Award in Recognition of His Significant Contributions to DVD Supplemental Materials

    Filmmaker Kevin Smith will be presented with the first-ever DVD Visionary Award during the Opening Session at the Video Software Dealers Association's (VSDA) Home Entertainment 2004, organizers of the show announced today. The Opening Session will take place at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, July 14 at the Venetian Resort Hotel Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.

    "Kevin Smith is the ideal first recipient of this award because he understands what it is like to be a film lover," said VSDA President Bo Andersen. "In addition to creating works that reflect his deeper understanding of the complexities of work, relationships, religion, and family, Smith exhibits his commitment to his fans by creating some of the best supplemental materials available on DVD. His commentary and extra footage is full of humorous anecdotes and allows the viewer to have a closer look at the filmmaking process."

    Kevin Smith's entrance to the independent film community began with his 1994 release of "Clerks." Financed by the sale of his personal comic book collection and loans from friends and family, "Clerks" was met with critical acclaim and awarded the Filmmaker's Trophy at Sundance, the Prix de la Jeunesse and the International Critic's Week Award at Cannes. The ten-year anniversary version of the film, "Clerks X," will be an exclusive Miramax Collectors Series 3-disc DVD set that will include the original theatrical version, an extended Sundance cut, and a new documentary. "Clerks X" will be released in stores on September 7, 2004.

    Smith's second film, "Mallrats," was panned by critics and did not fare well in theaters but went on to be extremely successful on home video. Critics and audiences warmly received his third project, "Chasing Amy." "Dogma," a faith-based comedy, generated a great deal of controversy due to its pragmatic approach to religion, but thrived despite pressure from religious groups. With the aptly titled "Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back," Smith wrapped up his five-film "Jersey Trilogy" and headed for more grown-up territory with the March 2004 release of "Jersey Girl." The Miramax film stars longtime Smith collaborators Ben Affleck and George Carlin, as well as Jennifer Lopez and Liv Tyler. "Jersey Girl" will be available on home video September 14, 2004.

    Smith has even made a name for himself in cyberspace, establishing two widely popular websites, and Both are common bookmarks among film lovers. Although Smith relinquished his prized comic book collection to get his start in filmmaking, Smith's successes have allowed him to open his own comic book store, Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash, in downtown Red Bank, New Jersey. Graphic novels are not only sources of inspiration but also viable projects as he has written for the seminal superheroes Spider-Man, Green Arrow, and Black Cat. Smith is currently working on the big screen adaptation of the comic book and television superhero The Green Hornet.


  2. #2
    01 abr, 04
    0 veces

    Predeterminado Re: Una noticia para cinefilos

    Clerks... que maravilla de película.
    La de fiestas que se terminaron al final viendo esta película cuando ya el alcohol no daba para mas...

    Y por cierto en Mallrats salía esta tía de Beberly Hills, como se llamaba....ah si!, ¡ BRENDA !
    No si al final resulta que B.H. no era tan mala...

    Salu2 y gracias por la info Yota.

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