IGN muestra Warhawk:

* PSN Downloadable Title
* Solo modo online
* 32 Jugadores
* Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Zone/Territory, etc etc...
* Deep Character and Vehicle Customization
* Dedicated Servers
* Will feature alot of Downloadable content: expect Expansion Packs, New Maps, Weapons, Vehicles and character skins.
* Controls configurations are great. You can turn SIXAXIS On or Off for Vehicles, Planes, or both...
* ALOT of Rewards and Medals that will keep the replay value alive and kicking.
* Voice IP Support.


Me estoy bajando el video pa verlo a ver que tal, pero ya digo que un juego solo on-line no es lo que mas me llama, pero nunca se sabe