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Killzone 2

  1. #106
    Venid a lado oscuro!! Avatar de Juguillen
    25 sep, 06
    32 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2


    Truth is, all my life I’ve been an ardent PC gamer that scoffed at inferior FPS experiences on the console. My colleagues always teased me for being a hardcore PC fanatic (fancy name for “fanboy”). It’s a given fact that PC gamers are much harder to please in terms of quality or gameplay and hence, console FPS ports are always a disappointment. Throughout the years, being an extremist that I am, console games like Halo 3 only managed a “hmmmm”, while few others like Resistance 2 and Gears of War 2 never went beyond the “meh” factor. After the recent buzz and hype behind Sony’s upcoming FPS, I decided to sit down and spend some quality time with the game and I cannot deny the truth… Killzone 2 has made me a believer!

    Killzone 2 sees you take the role of Thomas Sev of the ISA, tasked with a nightmarish war on a planet called “Helgan”, home to a populace of pissed off half-humans called “Helghast”. For those wondering, Killzone 2 is not merely a shoot-em-up title involving big guns and brutal enemies. The game’s story runs deep and the enemies you’re fighting against have a long and sorrowful past of torture and repression. The first thing that becomes apparent when you land on Helgan is the beauty of distruction - A rigid, temporal wasteland that’s bathed in decay and looms in dust. The atmosphere is so thrilling and exotically crafted in such a way that you can almost feel that debris in your lungs. And you immediately start questioning the logic behind invading a hell hole. Once you’re done drooling at the realistic bunch of pixels pouring out of the screen, you will be introduced to your enemies – A marching callous fleet of beady red eyes. The subtle “pop” that Killzone 2 starts with only grows in amplitude as the game progresses, and all the digital chaos never seems to diminish throughout the game. You’ll be fighting alongside your AI controlled squad members and in almost every firefight, your team-mates act convincingly like human partners unlike other war games where you had a dozen AI team-mates that only manage to peek from their cover and shoot at blank infinity while you did most of the killing. Killzone 2 vastly depends on timed sequential events that lead to another set of objectives, be it blowing up a bridge or releasing a platform. The movements are fluid and the controls are smooth, making it “feel” real unlike Resistance 2 that had controls that made it feel more ”analog”.

    Apart from your team mates, the Helghast can prove to be quite a formidable lot using cover effectively when needed while sometimes running crazy at you for a vicious melee attack. Though, you will be fighting in squads for the most part, you will sometimes be left to fend for yourself; that along with being tasked to revive squad mates make for a primordial war scene. Sev is able to wield one primary weapon in addition to a secondary pistol. From assault rifles to highly powerful bolt guns, Killzone 2 packs a plethora of firepower at your disposal. Enemies react differently depending on the type of ammunition used and the body part targeted – like, they knock back or go limp when shot in the face or you can make them fall forward by shooting the knees. While the game itself offers little in the way of being open-end, players can still access a playground of vast landscapes which makes roaming about much easier. At one point in the game, we encountered a heavy – a huge hunkering mass of armor that makes Marcus Fenix look like Mickey Mouse. Some of the boss battles can be hard & challenging and mostly involve a hidden technique to bringing down the enemy. Though the combat has turned out to be incredibly fun, we couldn’t help but be a little disappointed with knife kills. Sticking a knife through the Helghast did not feel as gratifying as a COD4 knife kill. While COD4 delivered a satisfying stab, Killzone 2 was more on the side of monotonous slashes.

    To further raise the bar, Guerrilla Games has perfectly executed the use of Sixaxis motion controls for completing objectives like setting charges, turning valves or even steadying a zoomed-in sniper rifle, which brings us to our most loved level in the game where you’d be stalked by caped, hunch-back enemy snipers able to render themselves completely invisible in a venue that looks like a ravaged industrial graveyard. Couple that with their near fatal accuracy and gripping music, it produced one of the best gaming moments we have experienced in a video-game so far. If you thought Call of Duty 4 was amazing, you’ll find Killzone 2 to be electrifying!

    As much as we loved Killzone 2’s absorbing single-player campaign, the meat of this title lies in its amazing multiplayer component. The game incorporates a class-based system where scoring kills and completing objectives will get you moving up the ladder. From Saboteurs to scouts, each class offers a different flavor of gameplay and much more when you take into account the ability to mix and match different classes into an amalgam of destruction. Though the multiplayer is reminiscent of Team Fortress 2, the game takes it one step further and offers an intense “on-your-toes” action. Packing in a vast array of weapons and classes, Killzone 2 proves to be the epitome of fiery fragdom offering hours of fun long after you’re done with the story mode. What really made us raise our brows is “Warzone”, a continuously shifting battlefield with different game-types chained into one EPIC online fragfest! Another welcome addition is the clan system that allows you to better network with you friends and organize tournaments albeit using an in-game system of “cash” to place bets. Combine that with a 32-player supported match and you have yourself a healthy dose of mindless violence. We can “cautiously” confirm to the fact that, with an extensive range of game types and an intricate clan system, Killzone 2 blasphemously trumps over Call of Duty games in terms of gameplay and replayability.

    Graphically, Killzone 2 is the BEST looking game on a console so far. With its myriad post-processing effects and textures running on the screen, it’s apparent that the game is in a league of its own. Every little detail has been given attention like the sparks flying off when bullet meets metal or the intricately crafted gun models. To further up the ante, sand bags can no longer be used as fortresses and columns crumble realistically when introduced to a grenade. Your battle scarred rifle and the superbly rendered anarchy keep reminding you of a war far away from home. This is one of the few games that made us “believe” that we were engulfed in a war and it can only be witnessed when playing the game for yourself. Apart from the load times, the game ran smoothly throughout our session and didn’t stutter even during intense firefights or explosions. The environment is composed brilliantly with chaos always riding on your coat-tails. Reload animations are indulging and character physics is downright AWESOME! While baddies feel like a moving set of polygons in many games, Killzone 2 manages to make the characters appear like fully “stuffed” dudes instead of just a hollow image.

    In-game audio is equally as good as the visuals this game packs. For those lucky enough to have a 5.1 surround system will experience a new dimension of audio fidelity. You’ll be able to hear every individual clank of expelled bullet casings while the rear audio channels keep you engrossed with choice epithets from your team mates. Though Sev is not too fond of talking, we can’t really complain at the lack of character dialogues. Besides, this game more than makes up for it in terms of environmental havoc and plentiful explosions.

    At the end of the day, logic predicts that a game with an intense single-player campaign and a killer multiplayer element is a win-win situation in anyone's book. To be honest, Killzone 2’s secret ingredient is the fluidity in gameplay that we have come to enjoy more than its graphical prowess or jaw-dropping visuals. And that’s what games have always been about… We're surprised to see Killzone 2 blows our expectations out of the water with a memorable SP campaign and a stellar MP component. To put it short, this game makes Gears of War 2 look like a high school attempt at gaming and that is a HUGE compliment!

    Intense action and gripping storyline are the crown jewels of this game.

    By far the best use of physics animations we have seen in a game to date. Destruction has never looked more picturesque.

    Ricocheting bullets, exploding grenades and undying chaos puts you at the edge of your seat.

    Apart from its SP campaign, Killzone 2’s sturdy multiplayer will give this title quite a long shelf life.

    The game stays fresh with a constantly evolving gameplay and some of the most memorable boss fights.

    We’ll bite the bullet and accept that Killzone 2 has graced the ranks of all-time classics like Half Life and Doom. This game will make you a believer!

    Última edición por Juguillen; 16/01/2009 a las 17:55
    El miedo lleva a la ira, la ira lleva al odio, el odio al sufrimiento y el sufrimiento, lleva al lado oscuro.

  2. #107
    Loco De La Vida Avatar de jymig
    11 ene, 07
    556 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2



    Pero yo prefiero esperar a IGN.
    Última edición por jymig; 17/01/2009 a las 12:40
    Puedes seguirme en YouTube / Twitch
    Unirte a mi en Xbox/PSN/Steam/Origin/UPlay : jymig
    Debilidad por las manzanas y los negros infinitos. 🤣

  3. #108
    gurú Avatar de Xavidvd
    27 ago, 04
    16 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

    La verdad es que necesito un nuevo shooter

    Resistante 2 no lo he probado pero no creo que haga falta

    COD5, paso de 2ª GM a no ser que sea una OBRA MAESTRA.

    Gears of Lag , solo sirve para PRIVADAS y jugar contra gente que lleva cuatrocientas mil horas jugando solo a este juego............. PASO.

    Battlefield se mantiene pero .................. mola la NOVEDAD

    KILLZONE 2 no me mato su multi, pero si el offline esta tan bien, cosa que me parece que va a ser así, y el online lo han pulido............. Me dejo un gran sabor K1


    Hilo TV para Videojuegos... AQUI

  4. #109
    gurú Avatar de lokepajke
    11 sep, 05
    50 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

    A ver si le meten coop seria la leche..

    Por cierto Xavi pasate por el hilo del fallout3 y deja tus impresiones no

  5. #110
    gurú Avatar de Caním
    25 sep, 07
    214 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

    50.000 thousand people used to live here, now it´s a ghost town.
    "Our so called leaders prostitution ush to the west, destroyed our culture, our economy, our honor"

  6. #111
    gurú Avatar de Caním
    25 sep, 07
    214 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

    Algunos medios especializados tienen la suerte de recibir antes que nadie una copias de los juegos para que redacten o comenten sus impresiones y finalmente les den una puntuación, que nos servirán más adelante para saber si vale la pena o no, el ir a la tienda y gastarnos nuestros euros con el.

    El desarrollo de Killzone 2 ya está totalmente terminado y Guerrilla Games, ya se ha encargado de enviar una carpeta de prensa con el juego completo de Killzone 2 a algunos medios especializados para que den su opinión. Pues bien, una de estas carpetas de prensa ha terminado en eBay (Guerrilla escoge mejor a tus amigos), y se ha pagado por ella una buena suma de dinero, nada menos que 400 Libras, lo que son al cambio unos 450 eurazos. ¡Menuda barbaridad!

    El vídeo que contiene esta noticia nos enseña el aspecto que tiene esta carpeta de prensa de Killzone 2. La calidad que tiene es muy buena, con ilustraciones a todo color del juego y un buen encuadernado y como no, lo más importante, el juego completo de Killzone 2 y otro Blu-ray que pone Artwork. Eso si, pagar 450 € por ello no está al alcance de todo el mundo.

    50.000 thousand people used to live here, now it´s a ghost town.
    "Our so called leaders prostitution ush to the west, destroyed our culture, our economy, our honor"

  7. #112
    Yonki de Hielo y Fuego Avatar de dejuanito
    12 jul, 07
    756 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

    Cita Iniciado por Juguillen Ver mensaje

    -Juguillen Soldado cervezero
    -Firerouter (Kytyara en PSN) Papa soldado
    -Konami (Vicentet en PSN) Soldado cantaor
    -Canim (Canim_ en PSN) Soldado silencioso
    -Dejuanito Soldado Albariño
    -TRUENOAZUL Soldado 2LR
    -DaniV2.0 (Xiripot en PSN) Soldado amarillo.
    -Lokepajke Soldado 360
    -Soyvan Soldado?
    Cita Iniciado por Xavidvd Ver mensaje
    Apuntadme, apuntadme...

    Su nombre soldado, y preséntese ahora mismo en la oficina de reclutamiento..... estamos pensando su castigo

  8. #113
    Yonki de Hielo y Fuego Avatar de dejuanito
    12 jul, 07
    756 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

    Sacado de, aquí

    Guerrilla cuenta con mantener la misma calidad en todos los modos de Killzone 2.

    Guerrilla Games ha hablado en una entrevista con Gamekings, de diferentes aspectos del tan esperado Killzone 2. El estudio se declara muy comprometido con el modo multijugador, contando con mantener en este la misma calidad gráfica y técnica que en el modo solo, insistiendo en su intención de impresionarnos con las múltiples opciones de personalización, los mapas, el número de jugadores y la calidad del framerate. La meta a alcanzar es ofrecer un online jugable y estable para Killzone 2.

    Sabemos que la física del juego es muy avanzada y que las condiciones meteorológicas influirán en los combates. El alcance de las granadas, por ejemplo, se verá afectado por el viento pudiendo este llegar a mandárnoslas de vuelta. Además, la velocidad del jugador se verá reducida dependiendo de la potencia de las ráfagas de viento, su impacto y orientación.

  9. #114
    Yonki de Hielo y Fuego Avatar de dejuanito
    12 jul, 07
    756 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

    Video-avance de

  10. #115
    Venid a lado oscuro!! Avatar de Juguillen
    25 sep, 06
    32 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

    Cita Iniciado por Xavidvd Ver mensaje
    La verdad es que necesito un nuevo shooter

    Resistante 2 no lo he probado pero no creo que haga falta

    COD5, paso de 2ª GM a no ser que sea una OBRA MAESTRA.

    Gears of Lag , solo sirve para PRIVADAS y jugar contra gente que lleva cuatrocientas mil horas jugando solo a este juego............. PASO.

    Battlefield se mantiene pero .................. mola la NOVEDAD

    KILLZONE 2 no me mato su multi, pero si el offline esta tan bien, cosa que me parece que va a ser así, y el online lo han pulido............. Me dejo un gran sabor K1

    Por fin te has decidido al final, apuntado quedas.

    Un saludo
    El miedo lleva a la ira, la ira lleva al odio, el odio al sufrimiento y el sufrimiento, lleva al lado oscuro.

  11. #116
    Yonki de Hielo y Fuego Avatar de dejuanito
    12 jul, 07
    756 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

    El coronel Radec

  12. #117
    Yonki de Hielo y Fuego Avatar de dejuanito
    12 jul, 07
    756 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

    Render de soldados Helghast en batalla

    Render de explorador Helghast

  13. #118
    Yonki de Hielo y Fuego Avatar de dejuanito
    12 jul, 07
    756 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

    Cita Iniciado por Juguillen Ver mensaje
    Por cierto a Posteriori mediante parche, actualizacion o descarga de contenido (ya sean gratuitos o de pago), es bastante posible que incluyan:

    * El cuchillo en el On-line (es casi seguro que esto llegara y mas pronto que despues).

    Es que no hay navajazos en el online?? seria una cagada con lo que mola ver la sagre saltar cuando apuñalas a alguien.

    Un saludo
    Aquí teneis el navajazo, lo que no se es si es del online o no ...

  14. #119
    Yonki de Hielo y Fuego Avatar de dejuanito
    12 jul, 07
    756 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

  15. #120
    Yonki de Hielo y Fuego Avatar de dejuanito
    12 jul, 07
    756 veces

    Predeterminado Re: [PS3] Killzone 2

    Aquí, la intro del juego

    Ojo que puede contener algún spoiler, pero bueno al ser la intro no pasará nada, no?

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