"It all started when me and my friend Erin waited behind the arena to meet Bono before the show on the 7th. She had with her a sign that said “Party Girl,” which she had made on the Elevation tour in hopes of hearing it life. When Bono got out of the car, he pretty much came straight to us. I swear he recognizes Erin. She asked him if they’d play Party Girl for his birthday. He asked how many chords it was, and I said 3. He said he’d try. Erin pointed out the Sharpie marks on the sign and told him he did that. He said he’d have to sign it right. He wrote, “Put the P back into Arty and the B back into Ono.” He wrote “and the” very messily, then laughed and joked that he had just written it and couldn’t even read it.
I then asked him if I could possibly get a picture with him. He said I could, so I asked if I could step off the curb (I didn’t want to crowd him and ruin it for other people). He said, “Of course,” and took my hand and led me down. He was wearing his straw hat, so I had to crouch down to get under it. I apologized and said, “I’m tall.” He replied, “That’s OK. I like tall girls, it’s a known fact.” Afterwards I took a picture of him with Steve, then Bono moved down the line of people. We worked our way out to give others a chance. As Bono was walking back towards his car, Erin yelled, “Party Girl!” Bono yelled back, “How many chords?” I yelled, “Three!” Steve yelled, “Bm Em A!” Bono nodded and got into the car. We were so excited and had new hope of U2 finally playing Party Girl. We made a sign with the chords on it so Edge would remember.
At the show that night we had the sign right over the rail. They were right in front of us for Yahweh. After the song, Edge looked at the sign, smiled really big, and walked away. More hope for them actually playing it!
On Monday we didn’t bother to try and meet the band behind the United Center. We figured they’d be in a hurry due to filming. At the show we took the same spot bye the Love and Pease or Else drum. Come Yahweh, Bono definitely noticed the sign. After the song, he leaned in and took out his earpiece. He asked when the chords were. We yelled, “Party Girl!” He looked straight down at me and said, “Can you play?” I paused a second thinking about how I’d surely make a fool of myself and mess it up, but how could I possibly turn that down? I nodded, and next thing I know I’m being hoisted up onto the stage. The lights were up enough that when I turned around I could see every one of the 20 000 fans looking at me. Bono was startled by my height and said, “She’s a giant! They grow ‘em big and beautiful in Chicago!” He then said something about false advertising being a crime. I was in a daze. After that he referred to me as the “beautiful giant.”
