Tengo desde hace unas pocas semanas una pantalla fija (blanca, de ganancia 1.0) de esta marca y la verdad es que estoy contento con ella ; tiene un buen nivel de acabado y un precio muy interesante.

En un foro frances encontre esta informacion (de un mienbro que intercambio correos con eSmart Germany) sobre tipo de telas y de pantallas tensionadas de 150":

- eSmart Akustik Tension-Leinwand TATENSO 332 x 187 cm (150") 16:9: this screen is perforated with little holes so the viewer is able to put a sound system behind the screen. To avoid seeing the holes or having them influence your viewing experience you should have a seating distance from the screen of at least 5 meters.

-eSmart Professional 3D-Tension-Leinwand TATENSO SILBER 332 x 187 cm (150") 16:9: this screen has an improved 3D cloth in silver which offers a better viewing experience for 3D movies, however its back is not black like the other models, so it cannot be assembled in front of a window or another light source

-eSmart Professional Tension Leinwand TATENSO GRAU 332 x 187 cm (150") 16:9: in general we do not recommend the grey screen for home use as most of our past buyers sent it back to exchange it for a white one. As long as you can darken your room with a sunscreen or some blinds a white screen will be perfectly fine. A grey screen shows the colour black better if there is direct sun or daylight shining on the screen.

-eSmart Professional Tension-Leinwand TATENSO 332 x 187 cm (150") 16:9: all of our professional screens have a softer cloth, a smaller metal case (slim fit, for clients with a small assembly suface) and an improved remote control and panel control.

-eSmart Tension Leinwand TATENSO 332cm x 187cm (150") 16:9: this is our general tension screen with a white cloth and a slightly bigger case than the professional one.