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Verdades y mentiras de la era HD video-jueguil

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  1. #1
    PEN está desconectado
    (a)bort, (r)etry, (p)anic Avatar de PEN
    10 may, 05
    857 veces

    Predeterminado Verdades y mentiras de la era HD video-jueguil

    Extraído directamente de la web BEYOND3D

    Creo que es interesante que lo comentemos:

    Check out two of the biggest releases of the season for example:

    COD4 (360) 1024×600p 2xAA
    COD4 (PS3) 1024×600p 2xAA
    Uncharted (PS3) 960×1080 in 1080p

    Neither Call of Duty 4 or Uncharted run in the actual resolutions.

    The reason most games do this is to allow for more visual effects to be rendered to the screen without slowing the game down. Most won’t ever notice or care but it’s kind of interesting to find out the actual resolutions that games render in. Here are some more recent ones along with a huge list of older releases from the pixel counter at Beyond3D.

    Def Jam: Icon (PS3) 1152×648
    Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (PS3) 1920×1080 FullHD
    Transformers (PS3) 960×1080
    Pirates of the Caribbean (PS3 720p): 960×720
    Pirates of the Caribbean (PS3 1080p): 780×1080
    Oblivion (360): 1024×600 (PS3 version is full 720p)
    ICO (PS2): 512×224p (less than Tekken on PS1 at 512×240)
    VF5 (PS3 720p): 1024×1024 (same as 360)
    VF5 (PS3 1080p): 1024×768

    Here are some older discoveries from the same thread:

    Full Auto 2: 1920×1080 AA 4x, bad framerate - PS3
    NBA Street: 1920×1080 AA 4x (30-60fps) - 360
    LocoRoco Cocoreccho 1920×1080 MSAA 2x -PS3
    Tony Hawk Project 8: 1040×584 AA - 360
    Tony Hawk Project 8: 1280×720 - PS3
    Virtua Tennis 3: 1920×1080 AA 2x - PS3, 360
    XMB: 1920×1080p - PS3
    Dashboard: 1280×720p - 360
    Perfect Dark Zero: 1138×640p - 360
    Halo 3: 1152×640p - 360
    Call of Duty 3: 1120×630p 360
    Ninja Gaiden Sigma: 1280×720p PS3
    Project Gotham Racing 3: 1024×600 360
    Tomb Raider: 1024×600 360
    Ridge Racer 7:
    NBA 07: 1920×1080 - PS3
    NBA 08: 1920×1080 - PS3
    Tony Hawk Proving Ground: 600p - PS3
    Tony Hawk Proving Ground: 720p - 360
    GRAW2: 720p - PS3
    GRAW2: 720p AA 2x - 360
    Super Rub a Dub: 1600×1080 - PS3
    GTHD: 1440×1080 - PS3
    Super Stardust HD: 1280×1080 - PS3
    Skate: 1536×864 - PS3
    Skate: 1280×720 AA - 360
    Bioshock: 1280×720 - 360
    Harry Potter: 1280×720 MSAA 2x PS3 ?
    Pixel Junk Racers: 1920×1080 PS3
    Heavenly Sword: 1280×720 AA 4x PS3
    Blast Factor Demo: 1920×1080 PS3
    The Darkness Demo: 1024×576 PS3
    Última edición por PEN; 18/11/2007 a las 19:17

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