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La lógica se impone. Será el Blu-Ray

  1. #16
    16 abr, 04
    8 veces

    Predeterminado Re: La lógica se impone. Será el Blu-Ray

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    Mr. Shiroharu Kawasaki, President and CEO, Memory-Tech, said: "These new HD DVD discs will surely be welcomed by content holders, including Hollywood studios and game developers, as further broadening the scope of future applications. We have already started verification for volume production of triple-layered discs, and we are confident of early verification as they are based on the 0.6mm disc structure and established production technologies. We at Memory-Tech are fully committed to flexibly meeting variety of user requirements."

    NEC Corporation and SANYO Electric Co., Ltd., both strong supporters of the HD DVD format also welcomed this announcement. "We are excited by the new discs and the way they further extend the possibilities of the HD DVD format," said Mr. Hiroshi Gokan, Executive General Manager of Computers Storage Products Operations Unit at NEC. SANYO's Dr. Keiichi Yodoshi, Deputy General Manager of R&amp Headquarters said, "The new discs demonstrate that 0.6mm discs can support diverse applications and achieve technical excellence, while fully securing firm backward compatibility."

    Technical features

    1) Triple-layer 45GB disc

    The newly developed ROM disc has a single-sided, triple-layer structure (see attachment). Each layer stores 15 gigabytes of information. Triple-layer discs can be easily produced by back-to-back bonding of a 0.6mm-thick dual-layer disc and a single-layer 0.6mm disc.

    In the process, a single-layer disc is first produced, using the same process as for HD DVD-ROM. Next, the second layer is formed on first layer using a one-time polycarbonate stamper, the same process used for the DVD-18 disc, the double-sided DVD disc that has dual-layers on both sides. Finally, the single-layer 0.6mm disc is bonded to the dual-layer disc, using standard technology.

    2) Double-sided, Dual-layer Hybrid Disc

    In December 2004, Toshiba and Memory-Tech announced development of a single-sided, dual-layer HD DVD-ROM/DVD-ROM hybrid disc. The DVD layer had a 4.7GB capacity, meeting the specification for current DVD discs, while the HD DVD layer had a 15GB capacity.

    Now Toshiba has developed a double-sided, dual-layer HD DVD-ROM/DVD-ROM hybrid disc. Simply explained, the new hybrid disc bonds together a 0.6mm thick dual-layer HD DVD-ROM disc with 30GB capacity, and a 0.6-mm thick dual-layer DVD-ROM disc with an 8.5GB capacity (see attachment).

    The dual-layer DVD-ROM disc structure is well established. The new disc has a structure as simple as that of current dual-layer DVD-ROM discs. Today, more than fifty percent of DVD-ROM discs on the market are dual-layer versions.

    The new disc brings the clear benefit of satisfying consumers, retailers, disc producers and Hollywood studios. It allows consumers to view DVD content on standard DVD players and, after purchasing an HD DVD player, to enjoy high definition content on the HD DVD layer from the same disc. The new disc structure also increases options for content providers: they can provide the same content in two formats, or use the HD DVD layer for a feature movie and the DVD layer to store promotional videos or audio content, including the movie sound track. Retailers can also promote HD DVD hardware as well as maintaining standard DVD sales.


  2. #17
    16 abr, 04
    8 veces

    Predeterminado Re: La lógica se impone. Será el Blu-Ray

    About HD DVD

    HD DVD is the next generation DVD format being standardized at the DVD Forum, which represents over 230 consumer electronics, information technology, and content companies worldwide. HD DVD players and HD DVD video software are expected to come to market in late 2005, and will allow consumers to enjoy video content, including Hollywood movies, with crystal-clear, high-definition picture quality.

    In November 2004, Paramount Home Entertainment, Universal Studios Home Entertainment, Warner Home Video, New Line Home Entertainment and HBO Home Video announced their official support of the HD DVD format.

    With 0.6-millimeter thick discs bonded back-to-back, HD DVD discs adopt completely the same disc structure as current DVD discs. Because of that, disc manufacturers will be able to utilize their current disc manufacturing lines with only minimum upgrades.

  3. #18
    colaborador Avatar de matias_buenas
    03 may, 04
    6283 veces

    Predeterminado Re: La lógica se impone. Será el Blu-Ray

    No, no sé si será lo mismo pero ésa no es mi fuente .

    Mi fuente es una revista profesional (no se vende)especializada en DVD y que me acaba de llegar ahora y hace mención entre otras cosas a eso . Es una escueta nota de prensa de poco más contenido al que os he expuesto aquí .

    Tengo algún dato más cuanto menos curioso : en España, del 3 de abril de 2004 al 3 de abril de 2005 el volumen de unidades del mercado del vídeo doméstico fue de más de 20 millones de unidades en DVD frente a los escasos 2 millones y medio del VHS .

    Con ese volumen transacional, un nuevo formato ahora no es viable si no es compatible en sentido inverso con el lector . Y no hay que darle más vueltas, que es así.

    "La libertad, Sancho, es uno de los más preciosos dones que a los hombres dieron los cielos; con ella no pueden igualarse los tesoros que encierra la tierra ni el mar encubre; por la libertad así como por la honra se puede y debe aventurar la vida."-Miguel de Cervantes

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