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La pregunta es: tengo un archivo llamado epkg de 2 y pico gigas. Creo que és del sistema, como una Swap o algo parecido, pero prefiero que me lo confirmeis, seriais tana amables?
Cita Iniciado por 'TheHijacker' en (desarrollador de xtreamer)
Everything gets installed to /data/epkg folder which by default is the 2GB nand flash. But nand flash is not that fast and it gets even slower when fragmented. To speed it up and of course to get the space we need it needs the hard drive. By default and in order to USB host to work with windows, the HDD format from GUI will format it in NTFS partition. We could mount a folder from HDD to /data/epkg but NTFS in linux environment is a no go. There are no symbolic links and it lacks the stability.

So me and R&D decided to go with the file based ext2 partition. After Prodigy boots the DvdPlayer will wait for HDD to mount (can be sda1, sdb1, sdc1, ...) and then properly mount the epkg.ext2 file using loopback onto /data/epkg. At same time he will also mount the download folder on HDD to /data/epkg/download since all packages that download files will use that folder to store files.